Present Perfect

                                     PRESENT PERFECT

    Para trabajar el presente perceto se
    hace uso del verbo auxiliar "to have"
    y el verbo en participio pasado.

  •     Afirmative Form:
     sujeto  verbo auxiliar   verbo en participio pasado 
      I, you, we, they have wroten.
       He, she , it has learned.

  •        Ngative Form:
     sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) not + verbo en participi pasado.
     For example:
              -They have not gone.
              -He has not swum.
              -We haven't  studyed.
              -She hasn't come.
  •           Interrogative Form:
     verbo auxiliar (to have) + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado
        For example:
                      -Has he drunck?.
              -Have you played?.
              -Have I made the homework?.
  • Signal words.
  1. Yet.
  2. Already.
  3. Sofarthis...
  4. Since.
  5. For
  6. Just.
  7. Never.
  8. Ever.


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